15 Signs The Guy You're Dating Isn't The Woke Bae He Thinks He Is

So you thought you found someone who's all about social justice and equality, but are they really as woke as they seem? Keep an eye out for these 15 red flags that might indicate otherwise. From outdated language to dismissive attitudes, it's important to pay attention to these signs. Don't overlook these warning signals, and if you want to learn more about navigating the dating scene, check out this insightful article on casual sex in Gilbert.

Dating in the modern age can be a minefield. With so much emphasis on social justice, equality, and inclusivity, it's important to find a partner who shares your values. But what happens when the guy you're dating isn't the "woke bae" he claims to be? Here are 15 signs that the guy you're dating might not be as socially conscious as he thinks he is.

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He Doesn't Listen to Your Experiences

One of the key components of being "woke" is being able to empathize with others' experiences. If your partner consistently dismisses or diminishes your lived experiences, it's a sign that he may not be as socially conscious as he claims.

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He Makes Sexist Jokes

A true "woke bae" understands the harmful impact of sexist jokes and language. If your partner regularly makes jokes that belittle or objectify women, it's a red flag that he may not truly respect gender equality.

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He Doesn't Acknowledge His Privilege

Being aware of one's privilege is an important aspect of being socially conscious. If your partner refuses to acknowledge his privilege or becomes defensive when it's brought up, it's a sign that he may not fully grasp the concept of privilege.

He Only Engages in Performative Activism

Posting on social media or attending protests can be important forms of activism, but if your partner only engages in performative activism without taking tangible actions to support marginalized communities, it's a sign that his commitment to social justice may be superficial.

He Doesn't Support Your Activism

A supportive partner should encourage and uplift your activism. If your partner is dismissive or unsupportive of your efforts to create change, it's a sign that he may not value social justice as much as he claims.

He Doesn't Challenge Problematic Behavior

Part of being "woke" is actively challenging problematic behavior in oneself and others. If your partner fails to call out friends or family members for their discriminatory actions, it's a sign that he may not take social justice as seriously as he claims.

He Doesn't Educate Himself

A truly socially conscious individual takes the time to educate themselves on social issues. If your partner shows little interest in learning about systemic oppression and inequality, it's a sign that he may not be as "woke" as he claims.

He Centered the Conversation on Himself

Being a good ally means listening and centering the voices of marginalized communities. If your partner consistently redirects conversations about social justice back to himself, it's a sign that he may not truly understand the importance of amplifying marginalized voices.

He Doesn't Respect Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is essential in any relationship, and this extends to respecting the boundaries of marginalized communities. If your partner consistently oversteps boundaries or ignores consent, it's a sign that he may not fully grasp the importance of respecting others' autonomy.

He Fails to Acknowledge Intersectionality

A true "woke bae" understands the interconnected nature of social issues. If your partner fails to acknowledge the intersectionality of oppression and only focuses on one aspect of social justice, it's a sign that he may not have a comprehensive understanding of systemic inequality.

He Gaslights Your Concerns

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that involves denying or minimizing someone else's experiences. If your partner consistently gaslights your concerns about social justice issues, it's a sign that he may not respect your perspective.

He Doesn't Support Diverse Representation

Supporting diverse representation in media, politics, and other areas is a key aspect of being socially conscious. If your partner shows little interest in supporting diverse voices and representation, it's a sign that he may not truly value inclusivity.

He Doesn't Take Accountability

Being socially conscious means being willing to take accountability for one's actions and learning from mistakes. If your partner consistently deflects blame or refuses to take accountability for his words and actions, it's a sign that he may not be as "woke" as he claims.

He Doesn't Advocate for Change

A true "woke bae" actively advocates for change within his own circles and communities. If your partner shows little interest in challenging the status quo or working towards social justice, it's a sign that his commitment to change may be superficial.

He Doesn't Empathize with Marginalized Communities

Empathy is a crucial component of being socially conscious. If your partner shows little empathy towards marginalized communities and their struggles, it's a sign that he may not truly understand the importance of standing in solidarity with others.

In conclusion, being with a partner who shares your values is essential for a healthy and fulfilling relationship. If you recognize any of these signs in the guy you're dating, it's important to have open and honest conversations about your concerns. Ultimately, being with a partner who is genuinely "woke" and committed to social justice can lead to a more meaningful and supportive relationship.